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Architect?, 3e
Architect?, 3e by Lewis 9780262316606
Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology
Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology by Ingalls, Ingalls 9780262315647
Visual Psychophysics
Visual Psychophysics by Lu, Dosher 9780262314947
Intermediate Public Economics, 2e
Intermediate Public Economics, 2e by Hindriks, Myles 9780262313803
American Environmental Policy
American Environmental Policy by Klyza, Sousa 9780262317054
Functional Differential Geometry
Functional Differential Geometry by Sussman, Wisdom, Farr 9780262315609
Applied Ethics in Mental Health Care
Applied Ethics in Mental Health Care by Sisti, Caplan, Rimon-Greenspan, Appelbaum 9780262317252
Operations Forensics
Operations Forensics by Lai 9780262313018
Machine Learning
Machine Learning by Murphy 9780262305242
Sustainable Energy, Second Edition
Sustainable Energy, Second Edition by Testser, Drake, Driscoll, Golay, Peters 9780262305563
Thinking as Computation
Thinking as Computation by Levesque 9780262301411
A Semantic Web Primer, 3e
A Semantic Web Primer, 3e by Antoniou, Groth, Harmelen, Hoekstra 9780262304689
Building Mobile Experiences
Building Mobile Experiences by Bentley, Barrett 9780262304559
Vision and Brain
Vision and Brain by Stone 9780262304719
Interactive Visualization
Interactive Visualization by Ferster, Shneiderman 9780262304863
Planning Ideas That Matter
Planning Ideas That Matter by Sanyal, Vale, Rosan 9780262304795
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, Second Edition
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, Second Edition by Siegwart, Nourbakhsh, Scaramuzza 9780262295321
The SuperCollider Book
The SuperCollider Book by Wilson, Cottle, Collins, McCartney 9780262295192