The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and Gas Turbines, 2e

by Wilson, Korakianitis

ISBN: 9780262526685 | Copyright 2014

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This comprehensive textbook is unique in its design-focused approach to turbomachinery and gas turbines. It offers students and practicing engineers methods for configuring these machines to perform with the highest possible efficiency. Examples and problems are based on the actual design of turbomachinery and turbines. After an introductory chapter that outlines the goals of the book and provides definitions of terms and parts, the book offers a brief review of the basic principles of thermodynamics and efficiency definitions. The rest of the book is devoted to the analysis and design of real turbomachinery configurations and gas turbines, based on a consistent application of thermodynamic theory and a more empirical treatment of fluid dynamics that relies on the extensive use of design charts. Topics include turbine power cycles, diffusion and diffusers, the analysis and design of three-dimensional free-stream flow, and combustion systems and combustion calculations. The second edition updates every chapter, adding material on subjects that include flow correlations, energy transfer in turbomachines, and three-dimensional design. A solutions manual is available for instructors. This new MIT Press edition makes a popular text available again, with corrections and some updates, to a wide audience of students, professors, and professionals.
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Contents (pg. v)
List of figures (pg. x)
List of illustrations (pg. xviii)
List of tables (pg. xx)
Preface (pg. xxi)
Note to readers (pg. xxiv)
Nomenclature (pg. xxvi)
A brief history of tubromachinery (pg. 1)
Chapter 1: Introduction (pg. 27)
Chapter 2: Review of thermodynamics (pg. 45)
Chapter 3: Thermodynamics of gas-turbine cycles (pg. 95)
Chapter 4: Diffusion and diffusers (pg. 173)
Chapter 5: Energy transfer in turbomachines (pg. 211)
Chapter 6: Three-dimensional velocity diagrams for axial turbomachines (pg. 263)
Chapter 7: The design and performance prediction of axial-flow turbines (pg. 283)
Chapter 8: The design and performance prediction of axial-flow turbines compressors (pg. 343)
Chapter 9: Design methods for radial-flow turbomachines (pg. 395)
Chapter 10: Convective heat transfer in blade cooling and heat-exchanger design (pg. 453)
Chapter 11: Gas-turbine starting and control-system principles (pg. 513)
Chapter 12: Combustion systems and combustion calculations (pg. 525)
Chapter 13: Mechanical-design considerations (pg. 545)
Appendix A: Properties of air and combustion products (pg. 573)
Appendix B: Collected formulae (pg. 579)
Appendix C: Some constants (pg. 585)
Appendix D: Conversion factors (pg. 587)
Index (pg. 589)
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