The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and Gas Turbines, 2e
by Wilson, Korakianitis
ISBN: 9780262526685 | Copyright 2014
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Contents (pg. v) | |
List of figures (pg. x) | |
List of illustrations (pg. xviii) | |
List of tables (pg. xx) | |
Preface (pg. xxi) | |
Note to readers (pg. xxiv) | |
Nomenclature (pg. xxvi) | |
A brief history of tubromachinery (pg. 1) | |
Chapter 1: Introduction (pg. 27) | |
Chapter 2: Review of thermodynamics (pg. 45) | |
Chapter 3: Thermodynamics of gas-turbine cycles (pg. 95) | |
Chapter 4: Diffusion and diffusers (pg. 173) | |
Chapter 5: Energy transfer in turbomachines (pg. 211) | |
Chapter 6: Three-dimensional velocity diagrams for axial turbomachines (pg. 263) | |
Chapter 7: The design and performance prediction of axial-flow turbines (pg. 283) | |
Chapter 8: The design and performance prediction of axial-flow turbines compressors (pg. 343) | |
Chapter 9: Design methods for radial-flow turbomachines (pg. 395) | |
Chapter 10: Convective heat transfer in blade cooling and heat-exchanger design (pg. 453) | |
Chapter 11: Gas-turbine starting and control-system principles (pg. 513) | |
Chapter 12: Combustion systems and combustion calculations (pg. 525) | |
Chapter 13: Mechanical-design considerations (pg. 545) | |
Appendix A: Properties of air and combustion products (pg. 573) | |
Appendix B: Collected formulae (pg. 579) | |
Appendix C: Some constants (pg. 585) | |
Appendix D: Conversion factors (pg. 587) | |
Index (pg. 589) |
Instructors Only | |
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