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Principles of Model Checking
Principles of Model Checking by Baier, Katoen 9780262304030
Principles of Data Mining
Principles of Data Mining by Hand, Mannila, Smyth 9780262304085
Pragmatic Bioethics, 2e
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Practice Exercises for Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
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Polarized America, Second Edition
Polarized America, Second Edition by McCarty, Poole, Rosenthal 9780262364256
Planning Ideas That Matter
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Physically Based Rendering
Physically Based Rendering by Pharr, Jakob, Humphreys 9780262374040
Photo Forensics
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Phonology by Bale, Reiss 9780262363952
Persuading with Data
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Perceptual Learning
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Paths to a Green World, 2e
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Out of the Crisis
Out of the Crisis by Deming 9780262535946
Our Urban Future
Our Urban Future by Shaikh, Talen 9780262376679
Operations Forensics
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On the Brink of Paradox
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