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Consumer Neuroscience
Consumer Neuroscience by Cerf, Garcia-Garcia 9780262364287
Metamodeling for Method Engineering
Metamodeling for Method Engineering by Jeusfeld, Jarke, Mylopoulos 9780262258302
Pragmatic Bioethics, 2e
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Readings in Database Systems, 4e
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C# Precisely, 2e
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The Seasoned Schemer
The Seasoned Schemer by Friedman, Felleisen, Bibby, Steele 9780262294195
Essentials of Programming Languages, 3e
Essentials of Programming Languages, 3e by Wand, Friedman 9780262273275
Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence
Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence by Floreano, Mattiussi 9780262303910
FireSigns by Skaggs 9780262363990