Applied Ethics in Mental Health Care

by Sisti, Caplan, Rimon-Greenspan, Appelbaum

ISBN: 9780262525015 | Copyright 2013

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This book discusses some of the most critical ethical issues in mental health care today, including the moral dimensions of addiction, patient autonomy and compulsory treatment, privacy and confidentiality, and the definition of mental illness itself. Although debates over these issues are ongoing, there are few comprehensive resources for addressing such dilemmas in the practice of psychology, psychiatry, social work, and other behavioral and mental health care professions. This book meets that need, providing foundational background for undergraduate, graduate, and professional courses.

Topics include central questions such as evolving views of the morality and pathology of deviant behavior; patient competence and the decision to refuse treatment; recognizing and treating people who have suffered trauma; addiction as illness; the therapist's responsibility to report dangerousness despite patient confidentiality; and boundaries for the therapist's interaction with patients outside of therapy, whether in the form of tennis games, gift-giving, or social media contact. For the most part the selections address contemporary issues in contemporary terms, but the book also offers a few historic or classic essays, including Thomas S. Szasz's controversial 1971 article "The Ethics of Addiction." Contributors include Laura Weiss Roberts, Frederic G. Reamer, Charles P. O'Brien, and Thomas McLellan.

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Contents (pg. v)
Series Foreword (pg. ix)
Foreword (pg. xi)
Acknowledgments (pg. xvii)
I Foundational Questions (pg. 1)
1 Contested Boundaries: Psychiatry, Disease,and Diagnosis (pg. 5)
2 Moot Questions in Psychiatric Ethics (pg. 25)
3 The Ethics of Psychotherapy (pg. 35)
4 Character Virtues in Psychiatric Practice (pg. 59)
II Capacity, Coercion, and Consent (pg. 75)
5 Psychiatric Advance Directives and the Treatment of Committed Patients (pg. 79)
6 Denying Autonomy in Order to Create It: The Paradox of Forcing Treatment upon Addicts (pg. 85)
7 End-Stage Anorexia: Criteria for Competence to Refuse Treatment (pg. 91)
8 "Personality Disorder” and Capacity to Make Treatment Decisions (pg. 115)
III Violence, Trauma, and Treatment (pg. 123)
9 Sanctity of Human Life in War: Ethics and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (pg. 125)
10 The Experience of Violent Injury for Young African American Men: The Meaning of Being a “Sucker” (pg. 135)
11 The Psychological Impact of Rape Victims' Experiences with the Legal, Medical, and Mental Health Systems (pg. 149)
IV Addiction (pg. 179)
12 Addiction as Accomplishment: The Discursive Construction of Disease (pg. 181)
13 The Ethics of Addiction (pg. 201)
14 Myths about the Treatment of Addiction (pg. 211)
15 Ethical Considerations in Caring for People Living with Addictions (pg. 223)
V Mental Illness and the Courts (pg. 229)
16 Confidentiality and the Prediction of Dangerousness in Psychiatry (pg. 233)
17 Madness versus Badness: The Ethical Tension between the Recovery Movement and Forensic Psychiatry (pg. 237)
18 Ethical Considerations of Multiple Roles in Forensic Services (pg. 255)
19 Watch Your Language: A Review of the Use of Stigmatizing Language by Canadian Judges (pg. 267)
VI Therapeutic Boundaries (pg. 283)
20 Boundary Violation Ethics: Some Conceptual Clarifications (pg. 287)
21 The Price of a Gift: An Approach to Receiving Gifts from Patients in Psychiatric Practice (pg. 303)
22 How Certain Boundaries and Ethics Diminish Therapeutic Effectiveness (pg. 321)
23 Boundary Issues in Social Work: Managing Dual Relationships (pg. 329)
24 Patient-Targeted Googling: The Ethics of Searching Online for Patient Information (pg. 351)
25 Professional Boundaries in the Era of the Internet (pg. 371)
Contributors (pg. 385)
Permissions and Credits (pg. 389)
Index (pg. 393)
Series List (pg. 401)
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