The Economics of Taxation, 2e
by Salanié
ISBN: 9780262016346 | Copyright 2011
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Contents (pg. v) | |
Foreword (pg. ix) | |
Introduction (pg. 1) | |
Some History (pg. 2) | |
Current Tax Systems (pg. 5) | |
Overview of the Book (pg. 8) | |
References (pg. 11) | |
I. The Effects of Taxation (pg. 13) | |
Chapter 1. Distortions and Welfare Losses (pg. 15) | |
1.1 The Effects of Taxation (pg. 17) | |
1.2 Welfare Losses (pg. 33) | |
Conclusion (pg. 38) | |
References (pg. 39) | |
Chapter 2. Tax Incidence (pg. 41) | |
2.1 Partial Equilibrium (pg. 43) | |
2.2 General Equilibrium (pg. 49) | |
References (pg. 61) | |
II. Optimal Taxation (pg. 63) | |
Chapter 3. Indirect Taxation (pg. 67) | |
3.1 Ramsey’s Formula (pg. 67) | |
3.2 Productive Efficiency (pg. 77) | |
References (pg. 80) | |
Chapter 4. Direct Taxation (pg. 83) | |
4.1 The Emergence of the Model (pg. 83) | |
4.2 Mirrlees’s Model (pg. 87) | |
4.3 Generalizations (pg. 107) | |
4.4 Simulations (pg. 115) | |
References (pg. 121) | |
Chapter 5. Mixed Taxation (pg. 123) | |
5.1 The Negative Income Tax (pg. 124) | |
5.2 Is Indirect Taxation Useful? (pg. 125) | |
5.3 Criticisms (pg. 129) | |
References (pg. 132) | |
Chapter 6. Risk and Time (pg. 133) | |
6.1 Taxing Savings in a Riskless Economy (pg. 135) | |
6.2 A Stochastic Economy (pg. 137) | |
6.3 The Inverse Euler Condition (pg. 139) | |
6.4 Discouraging Savings (pg. 142) | |
6.5 Optimal Taxes (pg. 144) | |
Conclusion (pg. 150) | |
References (pg. 151) | |
Chapter 7. Corrective Taxes (pg. 153) | |
7.1 Pigovian Taxation in Partial Equilibrium (pg. 154) | |
7.2 Optimal Green Taxes (pg. 156) | |
7.3 Is There a Double Dividend? (pg. 161) | |
References (pg. 162) | |
Chapter 8. Criticisms of Optimal Taxation (pg. 165) | |
8.1 Representing Social Preferences (pg. 165) | |
8.2 Putting Tax Theory to Work (pg. 172) | |
References (pg. 177) | |
III. Some Current Debates (pg. 179) | |
Chapter 9. Low-Income Support (pg. 181) | |
9.1 Measuring Poverty (pg. 182) | |
9.2 The Main Benefits (pg. 183) | |
9.3 The Lessons from Theory (pg. 188) | |
9.4 Empirical Evaluations (pg. 197) | |
9.5 Recent Reforms (pg. 199) | |
References (pg. 201) | |
Chapter 10. Taxation and Global Warming (pg. 203) | |
10.1 The Optimal Price of Carbon (pg. 205) | |
10.2 International Issues (pg. 213) | |
10.3 The Dynamics of Carbon Taxation (pg. 215) | |
References (pg. 217) | |
IV. Appendixes (pg. 219) | |
A. Some Basic Microeconomics (pg. 221) | |
A.1 Consumer Theory (pg. 221) | |
A.2 Producer Theory (pg. 224) | |
References (pg. 227) | |
B. Optimal Control (pg. 229) | |
Reference (pg. 231) | |
Index (pg. 233) |
Bernard Salanié
Bernard Salanié is Professor of Economics at Columbia University. Formerly Director of CREST (Paris), he has taught at Ecole Polytechnique, Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and the Toulouse School of Economics. Salanié is the author of Microeconomics of Market Failures (2000) and The Economics of Contracts: A Primer (second edition, 2005), both published by the MIT Press.
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