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Taxing Ourselves, 5e
Taxing Ourselves, 5e by Slemrod, Bakija 9780262363921
Labor, Credit, and Goods Markets
Labor, Credit, and Goods Markets by Petrosky-Nadeau, Wasmer 9780262364577
Programming for the Puzzled
Programming for the Puzzled by Devadas 9780262364713
Elements of Causal Inference
Elements of Causal Inference by Peters, Janzing, Schölkopf 9780262364690
Marine Hydrodynamics
Marine Hydrodynamics by Newman, Grue 9780262364751
The Chinese Economy, 2e
The Chinese Economy, 2e by Naughton 9780262363914
Security Requirements Engineering
Security Requirements Engineering by Dalpiaz, Paja, Giorgini 9780262364089
Polarized America, Second Edition
Polarized America, Second Edition by McCarty, Poole, Rosenthal 9780262364256
Customer-Centric Marketing
Customer-Centric Marketing by Ravi, Sun 9780262364362
Effective Coding with VHDL
Effective Coding with VHDL by Jasinski 9780262364195
Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures
Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures by Reussner, Becker, Happe, Heinrich, Koziolek, Koziolek, Kramer, Krogmann 9780262364119
What Is the Argument?
What Is the Argument? by Harrell 9780262529273
Case Studies in Neural Data Analysis
Case Studies in Neural Data Analysis by Kramer, Eden 9780262364096
Deep Learning
Deep Learning by Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville 9780262364102
Photo Forensics
Photo Forensics by Farid 9780262355452