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Principles of Data Mining
Principles of Data Mining by Hand, Mannila, Smyth 9780262304085
A New History of Modern Computing
A New History of Modern Computing by Haigh, Ceruzzi 9780262366489
Thinking Things Through, 2e
Thinking Things Through, 2e by Glymour 9780262527200
Information-Driven Planning and Control
Information-Driven Planning and Control by Ferrari, Wettergren 9780262362948
Great Principles of Computing
Great Principles of Computing by Denning, Denning, Martell, Martell, Cerf 9780262324274
Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge Graphs by Kejriwal, Knoblock, Szekely 9780262363211
Brain Structure and Its Origins
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Modeling and Analysis of Communicating Systems
Modeling and Analysis of Communicating Systems by Groote, Groote, Mousavi, Mousavi 9780262321044
Seeing, 2e
Seeing, 2e by Frisby, Stone 9780262265546
Neuroscience by Glickstein 9780262319508
Game Theory
Game Theory by Fudenberg, Tirole 9780262273305
Perceptual Learning
Perceptual Learning by Dosher, Lu 9780262363716
Architect?, 3e
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Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Economic Dynamics in Discrete Time, 2e
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Economic Dynamics in Discrete Time, 2e by Jiang, Miao-DELETE ME, Shen, Su, Zeng, Zhuo, Miao 9780262538909
Contract Theory
Contract Theory by Bolton, Dewatripont 9780262257961
Language Acquisition and Development
Language Acquisition and Development by Becker, Deen 9780262043588
Mobile Microrobotics
Mobile Microrobotics by Sitti 9780262364058
Principles of Model Checking
Principles of Model Checking by Baier, Katoen 9780262304030
The OpenMP Common Core
The OpenMP Common Core by Mattson, Koniges, He 9780262538862