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Persuading with Data
Persuading with Data by Kazakoff 9780262543279
University Chemistry
University Chemistry by Anderson 9780262542654
Mathematics for Economics, 4th
Mathematics for Economics, 4th by Hoy, Livernois, McKenna, Rees, Stengos 9780262368780
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson, Sussman, Henz, Wrigstad 9780262543231
A Mastering Quantum Mechanics
A Mastering Quantum Mechanics by Zwiebach 9780262046138
Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 5e
Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 5e by Viscusi, Jr., Sappington 9780262038065
The Elements of Computing Systems, 2e
The Elements of Computing Systems, 2e by Nisan, Schocken 9780262539807
Linguistics, 7e
Linguistics, 7e by Akmajian, Farmer, Bickmore, Demers, Harnish 9780262533263
Introduction to Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning by Charniak 9780262039512
Studying Sound
Studying Sound by Collins 978-0-262-04413-4
Macroeconomic Essentials, 4e
Macroeconomic Essentials, 4e by Kennedy, Prag 9780262533348
Microeconomic Essentials
Microeconomic Essentials by Prag 9780262539272
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory by Espinola-Arredondo, Muñoz-Garcia 9780262044233
Practice Exercises for Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Practice Exercises for Intermediate Microeconomic Theory by Espinola-Arredondo, Muñoz-Garcia, Dunaway, Strandholm 9780262539852
Macroeconomic Analysis
Macroeconomic Analysis by Niepelt 9780262043472
Dynamic Macroeconomics
Dynamic Macroeconomics by Alogoskoufis 9780262043014
Deep Learning
Deep Learning by Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville 9780262035613
Foundations of Machine Learning, Second Edition
Foundations of Machine Learning, Second Edition by Rostamizadeh, Talwalkar, Mohri 9780262039406