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The Csound Book
The Csound Book by Boulanger 9780262522618
Learning and Soft Computing
Learning and Soft Computing by Kecman 9780262527903
Rules of Play
Rules of Play by Salen Tekinbaş, Zimmerman 9780262240451
Probabilistic Robotics
Probabilistic Robotics by Thrun, Burgard, Fox 9780262201629
Principles of Model Checking
Principles of Model Checking by Baier, Katoen 9780262026499
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Probabilistic Graphical Models by Koller, Friedman 9780262013192
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, Second Edition
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, Second Edition by Siegwart, Nourbakhsh, Scaramuzza 9780262015356
Machine Learning
Machine Learning by Murphy 9780262018029
Processing, Second Edition
Processing, Second Edition by Reas, Fry 9780262028288
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Decision Making Under Uncertainty by Kochenderfer, Amato, Chowdhary, How, Reynolds, Thornton, Torres-Carrasquillo, Üre, Vian 9780262029254
The Little Prover
The Little Prover by Friedman, Eastlund 9780262527958
Security Requirements Engineering
Security Requirements Engineering by Dalpiaz, Paja, Giorgini 9780262034210
Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures
Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures by Reussner, Becker, Happe, Heinrich, Koziolek, Koziolek, Kramer, Krogmann 9780262034760
Mobile Microrobotics
Mobile Microrobotics by Sitti 9780262036436
Mathematics of Big Data
Mathematics of Big Data by Kepner, Jananthan 9780262038393
Machine Learning from Weak Supervision
Machine Learning from Weak Supervision by Sugiyama, Bao, Ishida, Lu, Sakai, Niu 9780262047074