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Machine Learning in Production
Machine Learning in Production by Kästner 9780262049726
Mathematics in Biology
Mathematics in Biology by Meister, Lee, Portugues 9780262049405
Machine Agency
Machine Agency by Mattingly, Cibralic 9780262549981
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning by Albrecht, Christianos, Schäfer 9780262049375
Bayesian Models of Cognition
Bayesian Models of Cognition by Griffiths, Chater, Tenenbaum 9780262049412
Monoidal Category Theory
Monoidal Category Theory by Yanofsky 9780262049399
Veridical Data Science
Veridical Data Science by Yu, Barter 9780262049191
Foundations of Computer Vision
Foundations of Computer Vision by Torralba, Isola, Freeman 978-0-262-04897-2
Understanding Deep Learning
Understanding Deep Learning by Prince 9780262048644
Fairness and Machine Learning
Fairness and Machine Learning by Barocas, Hardt, Narayanan 9780262048613
Our Urban Future
Our Urban Future by Shaikh, Talen 978-0-262-54684-3
Automata Theory
Automata Theory by Esparza, Blondin 978-0-262-04863-7
Computability and Complexity
Computability and Complexity by Chen 978-0-262-04862-0
Essentials of Compilation
Essentials of Compilation by Siek 978-0-262-04824-8
Causal Analysis
Causal Analysis by Huber 978-0-262-54591-4
Microeconomics of Banking
Microeconomics of Banking by Freixas, Rochet 978-0-262-04819-4
Life in Media
Life in Media by Deuze 978-0-262-54558-7
Bayesian Models of Perception and Action
Bayesian Models of Perception and Action by Ma, Kording, Goldreich 978-0-262-04759-3
Physically Based Rendering
Physically Based Rendering by Pharr, Jakob, Humphreys 9780262048026