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Social Cognition
Social Cognition by Kunda 9780262611435
Thinking Things Through, 2e
Thinking Things Through, 2e by Glymour 9780262527200
What Is the Argument?
What Is the Argument? by Harrell 9780262529273
Argument and Inference
Argument and Inference by Johnson 9780262035255
On the Brink of Paradox
On the Brink of Paradox by Rayo 9780262039413
The Meaning Of Language, Second
The Meaning Of Language, Second by Martin, Savage 9780262535731
Logical Methods
Logical Methods by Restall, Standefer 9780262544849
Computing and Technology Ethics
Computing and Technology Ethics by Burton, Goldsmith, Mattei, Siler, Swiatek 9780262048064
Machine Agency
Machine Agency by Mattingly, Cibralic 9780262549981