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Modeling and Analysis of Communicating Systems
Modeling and Analysis of Communicating Systems by Groote, Groote, Mousavi, Mousavi 9780262027717
Seeing, 2e
Seeing, 2e by Frisby, Stone 9780262514279
Neuroscience by Glickstein 9780262026802
Architect?, 3e
Architect?, 3e by Lewis 9780262518840
Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology
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The SuperCollider Book
The SuperCollider Book by Wilson, Cottle, Collins, McCartney 9780262232692
Visual Psychophysics
Visual Psychophysics by Lu, Dosher 9780262019453
Thinking as Computation
Thinking as Computation by Levesque 9780262534741
Paths to a Green World, 2e
Paths to a Green World, 2e by Clapp, Dauvergne 9780262515825
A Semantic Web Primer, 3e
A Semantic Web Primer, 3e by Antoniou, Groth, Harmelen, Hoekstra 9780262018289
Building Mobile Experiences
Building Mobile Experiences by Bentley, Barrett 9780262017930
Grammar as Science
Grammar as Science by Larson, Larson, Ryokai 9780262513036
The Economics of Growth
The Economics of Growth by Aghion, Howitt 9780262012638
Principles of Model Checking
Principles of Model Checking by Baier, Katoen 9780262026499
Mobile Microrobotics
Mobile Microrobotics by Sitti 9780262036436
Contract Theory
Contract Theory by Bolton, Dewatripont 9780262025768
Climate Change and Global Energy Security
Climate Change and Global Energy Security by Brown, Brown, Sovacool, Sovacool 9780262516310
Learning and Soft Computing
Learning and Soft Computing by Kecman 9780262527903
Vision Science
Vision Science by Stephen 9780262161831
Global Health Informatics
Global Health Informatics by Leo Anthony, Celi, Fraser, Nikore, Osorio, Paik 9780262533201