A Semantic Web Primer, 3e

by Antoniou, Groth, Harmelen, Hoekstra

ISBN: 9780262018289 | Copyright 2012

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The development of the Semantic Web, with machine-readable content, has the potential to revolutionize the World Wide Web and its uses. A Semantic Web Primer provides an introduction and guide to this continuously evolving field, describing its key ideas, languages, and technologies. Suitable for use as a textbook or for independent study by professionals, it concentrates on undergraduate-level fundamental concepts and techniques that will enable readers to proceed with building applications on their own and includes exercises, project descriptions, and annotated references to relevant online materials.

The third edition of this widely used text has been thoroughly updated, with significant new material that reflects a rapidly developing field. Treatment of the different languages (OWL2, rules) expands the coverage of RDF and OWL, defining the data model independently of XML and including coverage of N3/Turtle and RDFa. A chapter is devoted to OWL2, the new W3C standard. This edition also features additional coverage of the query language SPARQL, the rule language RIF and the possibility of interaction between rules and ontology languages and applications. The chapter on Semantic Web applications reflects the rapid developments of the past few years. A new chapter offers ideas for term projects. Additional material, including updates on the technological trends and research directions, can be found at http://www.semanticwebprimer.org.

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Contents (pg. vii)
List of Figures (pg. xi)
Series Foreword (pg. xiii)
Chapter 1. The Semantic Web Vision (pg. 1)
1.1 Introduction (pg. 1)
1.2 Semantic Web Technologies (pg. 7)
1.3 A Layered Approach (pg. 16)
1.4 Book Overview (pg. 19)
1.5 Summary (pg. 20)
Suggested Reading (pg. 20)
Chapter 2. Describing Web Resources: RDF (pg. 23)
2.1 Introduction (pg. 23)
2.2 RDF: Data Model (pg. 25)
2.3 RDF Syntaxes (pg. 31)
2.4 RDFS: Adding Semantics (pg. 40)
2.5 RDF Schema: The Language (pg. 44)
2.6 RDF and RDF Schema in RDF Schema (pg. 51)
2.7 An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema (pg. 55)
2.8 A Direct Inference System for RDF and RDFS (pg. 62)
2.9 Summary (pg. 63)
Suggested Reading (pg. 64)
Exercises and Projects (pg. 65)
Chapter 3. Querying the Semantic Web (pg. 69)
3.1 SPARQL Infrastructure (pg. 70)
3.2 Basics: Matching Patterns (pg. 70)
3.3 Filters (pg. 75)
3.4 Constructs for Dealing with an Open World (pg. 78)
3.5 Organizing Result Sets (pg. 80)
3.6 Other Forms of SPARQL Queries (pg. 82)
3.7 Querying Schemas (pg. 83)
3.8 Adding Information with SPARQL Update (pg. 85)
3.9 The Follow Your Nose Principle (pg. 87)
3.10 Summary (pg. 87)
Suggested Reading (pg. 88)
Exercises and Projects (pg. 88)
Chapter 4. Web Ontology Language: OWL2 (pg. 91)
4.1 Introduction (pg. 91)
4.2 Requirements for Ontology Languages (pg. 92)
4.3 Compatibility of OWL2 with RDF/RDFS (pg. 97)
4.4 The OWL Language (pg. 100)
4.5 OWL2 Profiles (pg. 123)
4.6 Summary (pg. 125)
Suggested Reading (pg. 126)
Exercises and Projects (pg. 128)
Chapter 5. Logic and Inference: Rules (pg. 131)
5.1 Introduction (pg. 131)
5.2 Example of Monotonic Rules: Family Relationships (pg. 137)
5.3 Monotonic Rules: Syntax (pg. 138)
5.4 Monotonic Rules: Semantics (pg. 141)
5.5 OWL2 RL: Description Logic Meets Rules (pg. 145)
5.6 Rule Interchange Format: RIF (pg. 148)
5.7 SemanticWeb Rules Language (SWRL) (pg. 155)
5.8 Rules in SPARQL: SPIN (pg. 156)
5.9 Nonmonotonic Rules: Motivation and Syntax (pg. 158)
5.10 Example of Nonmonotonic Rules: Brokered Trade (pg. 161)
5.11 Rule Markup Language (RuleML) (pg. 165)
5.12 Summary (pg. 168)
Suggested Reading (pg. 169)
Exercises and Projects (pg. 171)
Chapter 6. Applications (pg. 175)
6.1 GoodRelations (pg. 176)
6.2 BBC Artists (pg. 180)
6.3 BBC World Cup 2010 Website (pg. 182)
6.4 Government Data (pg. 185)
6.5 New York Times (pg. 188)
6.6 Sig.ma and Sindice (pg. 189)
6.7 OpenCalais (pg. 190)
6.8 Schema.org (pg. 192)
6.9 Summary (pg. 192)
Chapter 7. Ontology Engineering (pg. 193)
7.1 Introduction (pg. 193)
7.2 Constructing Ontologies Manually (pg. 194)
7.3 Reusing Existing Ontologies (pg. 198)
7.4 Semiautomatic Ontology Acquisition (pg. 201)
7.5 Ontology Mapping (pg. 205)
7.6 Exposing Relational Databases (pg. 208)
7.7 SemanticWeb Application Architecture (pg. 210)
Suggested Reading (pg. 214)
Exercises and Projects (pg. 215)
Chapter 8. Conclusion (pg. 221)
8.1 Principles (pg. 222)
8.2 Where Next? (pg. 224)
Appendix A. XML Basics (pg. 227)
Index (pg. 266)

Grigoris Antoniou

Grigoris Antoniou is Professor at the Institute for Computer Science, FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas), Heraklion, Greece.

Paul Groth

Paul Groth is Assistant Professor in the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group of the Department of Computer Science at the VU University Amsterdam.

Frank Harmelen

Frank van Harmelen is Professor in the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group of the Department of Computer Science at the VU University Amsterdam.

Rinke Hoekstra

Rinke Hoekstra is a postdoctoral researcher in the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group of the Department of Computer Science at the VU University Amsterdam.

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