Optimal Control Theory with Applications in Economics

by Weber

ISBN: 9780262015738 | Copyright 2011

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A rigorous introduction to optimal control theory, with an emphasis on applications in economics.

This book bridges optimal control theory and economics, discussing ordinary differential equations, optimal control, game theory, and mechanism design in one volume. Technically rigorous and largely self-contained, it provides an introduction to the use of optimal control theory for deterministic continuous-time systems in economics. The theory of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is the backbone of the theory developed in the book, and chapter 2 offers a detailed review of basic concepts in the theory of ODEs, including the solution of systems of linear ODEs, state-space analysis, potential functions, and stability analysis. Following this, the book covers the main results of optimal control theory, in particular necessary and sufficient optimality conditions; game theory, with an emphasis on differential games; and the application of control-theoretic concepts to the design of economic mechanisms. Appendixes provide a mathematical review and full solutions to all end-of-chapter problems.

The material is presented at three levels: single-person decision making; games, in which a group of decision makers interact strategically; and mechanism design, which is concerned with a designer's creation of an environment in which players interact to maximize the designer's objective. The book focuses on applications; the problems are an integral part of the text. It is intended for use as a textbook or reference for graduate students, teachers, and researchers interested in applications of control theory beyond its classical use in economic growth. The book will also appeal to readers interested in a modeling approach to certain practical problems involving dynamic continuous-time models.

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Cover (pg. Cover)
Contents (pg. vii)
Foreword (pg. ix)
Acknowledgments (pg. xi)
1- Introduction (pg. 1)
1.1- Outline (pg. 3)
1.2- Prerequisites (pg. 5)
1.3- A Brief History of Optimal Control (pg. 5)
1.4- Notes (pg. 15)
2- Ordinary Differential Equations (pg. 17)
2.1- Overview (pg. 17)
2.2- First-Order ODEs (pg. 20)
2.2.1 Definitions (pg. 20)
2.2.2- Some Explicit Solutions When n = 1 (pg. 20)
2.2.3- Well-Posed Problems (pg. 28)
2.2.4- State-Space Analysis (pg. 39)
2.2.5- Exact ODEs and Potential Function (pg. 40)
2.2.6- Autonomous Systems (pg. 44)
2.2.7- Stability Analysis (pg. 45)
2.2.8- Limit Cycles and Invariance (pg. 61)
2.3- Higher-Order ODEs and Solution Techniques (pg. 67)
2.3.1- Reducing Higher-Order ODEs to First-Order ODEs (pg. 67)
2.3.2- Solution Techniques (pg. 68)
2.4- Notes (pg. 75)
2.5- Exercises (pg. 76)
3- Optimal Control Theory (pg. 81)
3.1- Overview (pg. 81)
3.2- Control Systems (pg. 83)
3.2.1- Linear Controllability and Observability (pg. 85)
3.2.2- Nonlinear Controllability (pg. 88)
3.3- Optimal Control—A Motivating Example (pg. 88)
3.3.1- A Simple Optimal Control Problem (pg. 88)
3.3.2- Sufficient Optimality Conditions (pg. 89)
3.3.3- Necessary Optimality Conditions (pg. 95)
3.4- Finite-Horizon Optimal Control (pg. 103)
3.5- Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control (pg. 113)
3.6- Supplement 1: A Proof of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle (pg. 119)
3.6.1- Problems without State-Control Constraints (pg. 120)
3.6.2- Problems with State-Control Constraints (pg. 125)
3.7- Supplement 2: The Filippov Existence Theorem (pg. 135)
3.8- Notes (pg. 140)
3.9- Exercises (pg. 141)
4- Game Theory (pg. 149)
4.1- Overview (pg. 149)
4.2- Fundamental Concepts (pg. 155)
4.2.1- Static Games of Complete Information (pg. 155)
4.2.2- Static Games of Incomplete Information (pg. 161)
4.2.3- Dynamic Games of Complete Information (pg. 166)
4.2.4- Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information (pg. 180)
4.3- Differential Games (pg. 188)
4.3.1- Markovian Equilibria (pg. 189)
4.3.2- Non-Markovian Equilibria (pg. 196)
4.4- Notes (pg. 202)
4.5- Exercises (pg. 203)
5- Mechanism Design (pg. 207)
5.1- Motivation (pg. 207)
5.2- A Model with Two Types (pg. 208)
5.3- The Screening Problem (pg. 215)
5.4- Nonlinear Pricing (pg. 220)
5.5- Notes (pg. 226)
5.6- Exercises (pg. 227)
Appendix A: Mathematical Review (pg. 231)
A.1- Algebra (pg. 231)
A.2- Normed Vector Spaces (pg. 233)
A.3- Analysis (pg. 240)
A.4- Optimization (pg. 246)
A.5- Notes (pg. 251)
Appendix B: Solutions to Exercises (pg. 253)
B.1- Numerical Methods (pg. 253)
B.2- Ordinary Differential Equations (pg. 258)
B.3- Optimal Control Theory (pg. 271)
B.4- Game Theory (pg. 302)
B.5- Mechanism Design (pg. 324)
Appendix C: Intellectual Heritage (pg. 333)
References (pg. 335)
Index (pg. 349)

Thomas A. Weber

Thomas A. Weber is Associate Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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