Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound

An Introduction to Psychoacoustics

by Cook

ISBN: 9780262531900 | Copyright 2001

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How hearing works and how the brain processes sounds entering the ear to provide the listener with useful information are of great interest to psychologists, cognitive scientists, and musicians. However, while a number of books have concentrated on individual aspects of this field, known as psychoacoustics, there has been no comprehensive introductory coverage of the multiple topics encompassed under the term. Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound is the first book to provide that coverage, and it does so via a unique and useful approach.The book begins with introductory chapters on the basic physiology and functions of the ear and auditory sections of the brain, then proceeds to discuss numerous topics associated with the study of psychoacoustics, including cognitive psychology and the physics of sound. The book has a particular emphasis on music and computerized sound. An accompanying download includes many sound examples to help explicate the text and is available with the code included in the book at The contributing authors include John Chowning, Perry R. Cook, Brent Gillespie, Daniel J. Levitin, Max Mathews, John Pierce, and Roger Shepard.
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Contents (pg. v)
Introduction (pg. vii)
About the Authors (pg. ix)
1. The Ear and How It Works (pg. 1)
2. The Auditory Brain (pg. 11)
3. Cognitive Psychology and Music (pg. 21)
4. Sound Waves and Sine Waves (pg. 37)
5. Introduction to Pitch Perception (pg. 57)
6. What Is Loudness? (pg. 71)
7. Introduction to Timbre (pg. 79)
8. Hearing in Time and Space (pg. 89)
9. Voice Physics and Neurology (pg. 105)
10. Stream Segregation and Ambiguity in Audition (pg. 117)
11. Formant Peaks and Spectral Valleys (pg. 129)
12. Articulation in Speech and Sound (pg. 139)
13. Pitch Perception and Measurement (pg. 149)
14. Consonance and Scales (pg. 167)
15. Tonal Structure and Scales (pg. 187)
16. Pitch, Periodicity, and Noise in the Voice (pg. 195)
17. Memory for Musical Attributes (pg. 209)
18. Haptics (pg. 229)
19. Haptics in Manipulation (pg. 247)
20. Perceptual Fusion and Auditory Perspective (pg. 261)
21. Passive Nonlinearities in Acoustics (pg. 277)
22. Storage and Reproduction of Music (pg. 285)
23. Experimental Design in Psychoacoustic Research (pg. 299)
Appendix A: Suggested Lab Exercises (pg. 329)
Appendix B: Questions and Thought Problems (pg. 343)
Appendix C: Sound Examples on CD (pg. 351)
Index (pg. 361)
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