Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound
An Introduction to Psychoacoustics
by Cook
ISBN: 9780262531900 | Copyright 2001
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Contents (pg. v) | |
Introduction (pg. vii) | |
About the Authors (pg. ix) | |
1. The Ear and How It Works (pg. 1) | |
2. The Auditory Brain (pg. 11) | |
3. Cognitive Psychology and Music (pg. 21) | |
4. Sound Waves and Sine Waves (pg. 37) | |
5. Introduction to Pitch Perception (pg. 57) | |
6. What Is Loudness? (pg. 71) | |
7. Introduction to Timbre (pg. 79) | |
8. Hearing in Time and Space (pg. 89) | |
9. Voice Physics and Neurology (pg. 105) | |
10. Stream Segregation and Ambiguity in Audition (pg. 117) | |
11. Formant Peaks and Spectral Valleys (pg. 129) | |
12. Articulation in Speech and Sound (pg. 139) | |
13. Pitch Perception and Measurement (pg. 149) | |
14. Consonance and Scales (pg. 167) | |
15. Tonal Structure and Scales (pg. 187) | |
16. Pitch, Periodicity, and Noise in the Voice (pg. 195) | |
17. Memory for Musical Attributes (pg. 209) | |
18. Haptics (pg. 229) | |
19. Haptics in Manipulation (pg. 247) | |
20. Perceptual Fusion and Auditory Perspective (pg. 261) | |
21. Passive Nonlinearities in Acoustics (pg. 277) | |
22. Storage and Reproduction of Music (pg. 285) | |
23. Experimental Design in Psychoacoustic Research (pg. 299) | |
Appendix A: Suggested Lab Exercises (pg. 329) | |
Appendix B: Questions and Thought Problems (pg. 343) | |
Appendix C: Sound Examples on CD (pg. 351) | |
Index (pg. 361) |
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