Lectures on the Philosophy of Mathematics
ISBN: | Copyright 2020
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Preface (pg. xvii) | |
About the Author (pg. xix) | |
Numbers (pg. 1) | |
Numbers versus numerals (pg. 1) | |
Number systems (pg. 2) | |
Natural numbers (pg. 2) | |
Integers (pg. 3) | |
Rational numbers (pg. 3) | |
Incommensurable numbers (pg. 4) | |
An alternative geometric argument (pg. 5) | |
Platonism (pg. 6) | |
Plenitudinous platonism (pg. 7) | |
Logicism (pg. 7) | |
Equinumerosity (pg. 7) | |
The Cantor-Hume principle (pg. 8) | |
The Julius Caesar problem (pg. 10) | |
Numbers as equinumerosity classes (pg. 10) | |
Neologicism (pg. 11) | |
Interpreting arithmetic (pg. 12) | |
Numbers as equinumerosity classes (pg. 12) | |
Numbers as sets (pg. 12) | |
Numbers as primitives (pg. 14) | |
Numbers as morphisms (pg. 15) | |
Numbers as games (pg. 16) | |
Junk theorems (pg. 18) | |
Interpretation of theories (pg. 18) | |
What numbers could not be (pg. 19) | |
The epistemological problem (pg. 20) | |
Dedekind arithmetic (pg. 21) | |
Arithmetic categoricity (pg. 22) | |
Mathematical induction (pg. 23) | |
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic (pg. 24) | |
Infinitude of primes (pg. 26) | |
Structuralism (pg. 27) | |
Definability versus Leibnizian structure (pg. 28) | |
Role of identity in the formal language (pg. 29) | |
Isomorphism orbit (pg. 30) | |
Categoricity (pg. 31) | |
Structuralism in mathematical practice (pg. 32) | |
Eliminative structuralism (pg. 34) | |
Abstract structuralism (pg. 35) | |
What is a real number? (pg. 36) | |
Dedekind cuts (pg. 36) | |
Theft and honest toil (pg. 37) | |
Cauchy real numbers (pg. 38) | |
Real numbers as geometric continuum (pg. 38) | |
Categoricity for the real numbers (pg. 38) | |
Categoricity for the real continuum (pg. 40) | |
Transcendental numbers (pg. 42) | |
The transcendence game (pg. 42) | |
Complex numbers (pg. 43) | |
Platonism for complex numbers (pg. 44) | |
Categoricity for the complex field (pg. 44) | |
A complex challenge for structuralism? (pg. 45) | |
Structure as reduct of rigid structure (pg. 46) | |
Contemporary type theory (pg. 47) | |
More numbers (pg. 48) | |
What is a philosophy for? (pg. 48) | |
Finally, what is a number? (pg. 49) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 49) | |
Further reading (pg. 51) | |
Credits (pg. 52) | |
Rigor (pg. 53) | |
Continuity (pg. 53) | |
Informal account of continuity (pg. 53) | |
The definition of continuity (pg. 55) | |
The continuity game (pg. 56) | |
Estimation in analysis (pg. 56) | |
Limits (pg. 57) | |
Instantaneous change (pg. 57) | |
Infinitesimals (pg. 58) | |
Modern definition of the derivative (pg. 59) | |
An enlarged vocabulary of concepts (pg. 59) | |
The least-upper-bound principle (pg. 61) | |
Consequences of completeness (pg. 62) | |
Continuous induction (pg. 63) | |
Indispensability of mathematics (pg. 64) | |
Science without numbers (pg. 65) | |
Fictionalism (pg. 67) | |
The theory/metatheory distinction (pg. 68) | |
Abstraction in the function concept (pg. 68) | |
The Devil's staircase (pg. 69) | |
Space-filling curves (pg. 70) | |
Conway base-13 function (pg. 71) | |
Infinitesimals revisited (pg. 74) | |
Nonstandard analysis and the hyperreal numbers (pg. 75) | |
Calculus in nonstandard analysis (pg. 76) | |
Classical model-construction perspective (pg. 77) | |
Axiomatic approach (pg. 78) | |
``The'' hyperreal numbers? (pg. 78) | |
Radical nonstandardness perspective (pg. 79) | |
Translating between nonstandard and classical perspectives (pg. 80) | |
Criticism of nonstandard analysis (pg. 81) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 82) | |
Further reading (pg. 84) | |
Credits (pg. 85) | |
Infinity (pg. 87) | |
Hilbert's Grand Hotel (pg. 87) | |
Hilbert's bus (pg. 88) | |
Hilbert's train (pg. 88) | |
Countable sets (pg. 89) | |
Equinumerosity (pg. 90) | |
Hilbert's half-marathon (pg. 92) | |
Cantor's cruise ship (pg. 93) | |
Uncountability (pg. 93) | |
Cantor's original argument (pg. 95) | |
Mathematical cranks (pg. 96) | |
Cantor on transcendental numbers (pg. 96) | |
Constructive versus nonconstructive arguments (pg. 97) | |
On the number of subsets of a set (pg. 99) | |
On the number of infinities (pg. 99) | |
Russell on the number of propositions (pg. 100) | |
On the number of possible committees (pg. 100) | |
The diary of Tristram Shandy (pg. 101) | |
The cartographer's paradox (pg. 101) | |
The Library of Babel (pg. 103) | |
On the number of possible books (pg. 103) | |
Beyond equinumerosity to the comparative size principle (pg. 104) | |
Place focus on reflexive preorders (pg. 106) | |
What is Cantor's continuum hypothesis? (pg. 107) | |
Transfinite cardinals—the alephs and the beths (pg. 109) | |
Lewis on the number of objects and properties (pg. 110) | |
Zeno's paradox (pg. 111) | |
Actual versus potential infinity (pg. 112) | |
How to count (pg. 112) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 114) | |
Further reading (pg. 116) | |
Credits (pg. 117) | |
Geometry (pg. 119) | |
Geometric constructions (pg. 119) | |
Contemporary approach via symmetries (pg. 121) | |
Collapsible compasses (pg. 122) | |
Constructible points and the constructible plane (pg. 123) | |
Constructible numbers and the number line (pg. 125) | |
Nonconstructible numbers (pg. 126) | |
Doubling the cube (pg. 127) | |
Trisecting the angle (pg. 127) | |
Squaring the circle (pg. 128) | |
Circle-squarers and angle-trisectors (pg. 128) | |
Alternative tool sets (pg. 128) | |
Compass-only constructibility (pg. 129) | |
Straightedge-only constructibility (pg. 129) | |
Construction with a marked ruler (pg. 130) | |
Origami constructibility (pg. 130) | |
Spirograph constructibility (pg. 131) | |
The ontology of geometry (pg. 132) | |
The role of diagrams and figures (pg. 133) | |
Kant (pg. 133) | |
Hume on arithmetic reasoning over geometry (pg. 134) | |
Manders on diagrammatic proof (pg. 135) | |
Contemporary tools (pg. 135) | |
How to lie with figures (pg. 136) | |
Error and approximation in geometric construction (pg. 137) | |
Constructing a perspective chessboard (pg. 140) | |
Non-Euclidean geometry (pg. 142) | |
Spherical geometry (pg. 143) | |
Elliptical geometry (pg. 145) | |
Hyperbolic geometry (pg. 145) | |
Curvature of space (pg. 146) | |
Errors in Euclid? (pg. 147) | |
Implicit continuity assumptions (pg. 147) | |
The missing concept of ``between'' (pg. 148) | |
Hilbert's geometry (pg. 149) | |
Tarski's geometry (pg. 149) | |
Geometry and physical space (pg. 149) | |
Poincaré on the nature of geometry (pg. 151) | |
Tarski on the decidability of geometry (pg. 151) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 153) | |
Further reading (pg. 154) | |
Credits (pg. 155) | |
Proof (pg. 157) | |
Syntax-semantics distinction (pg. 157) | |
Use/mention (pg. 158) | |
What is proof? (pg. 159) | |
Proof as dialogue (pg. 160) | |
Wittgenstein (pg. 161) | |
Thurston (pg. 161) | |
Formalization and mathematical error (pg. 162) | |
Formalization as a sharpening of mathematical ideas (pg. 163) | |
Mathematics does not take place in a formal language (pg. 163) | |
Voevodsky (pg. 165) | |
Proofs without words (pg. 165) | |
How to lie with figures (pg. 166) | |
Hard arguments versus soft (pg. 166) | |
Moral mathematical truth (pg. 167) | |
Formal proof and proof theory (pg. 169) | |
Soundness (pg. 170) | |
Completeness (pg. 170) | |
Compactness (pg. 171) | |
Verifiability (pg. 172) | |
Sound and verifiable, yet incomplete (pg. 172) | |
Complete and verifiable, yet unsound (pg. 173) | |
Sound and complete, yet unverifiable (pg. 173) | |
The empty structure (pg. 174) | |
Formal deduction examples (pg. 175) | |
The value of formal deduction (pg. 176) | |
Automated theorem proving and proof verification (pg. 177) | |
Four-color theorem (pg. 177) | |
Choice of formal system (pg. 178) | |
Completeness theorem (pg. 180) | |
Nonclassical logics (pg. 182) | |
Classical versus intuitionistic validity (pg. 183) | |
Informal versus formal use of ``constructive'' (pg. 185) | |
Epistemological intrusion into ontology (pg. 186) | |
No unbridgeable chasm (pg. 186) | |
Logical pluralism (pg. 187) | |
Classical and intuitionistic realms (pg. 187) | |
Conclusion (pg. 188) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 188) | |
Further reading (pg. 190) | |
Credits (pg. 191) | |
Computability (pg. 193) | |
Primitive recursion (pg. 194) | |
Implementing logic in primitive recursion (pg. 195) | |
Diagonalizing out of primitive recursion (pg. 197) | |
The Ackermann function (pg. 198) | |
Turing on computability (pg. 200) | |
Turing machines (pg. 201) | |
Partiality is inherent in computability (pg. 202) | |
Examples of Turing-machine programs (pg. 202) | |
Decidability versus enumerability (pg. 203) | |
Universal computer (pg. 204) | |
``Stronger'' Turing machines (pg. 205) | |
Other models of computatibility (pg. 206) | |
Computational power: Hierarchy or threshold? (pg. 207) | |
The hierarchy vision (pg. 207) | |
The threshold vision (pg. 207) | |
Which vision is correct? (pg. 207) | |
Church-Turing thesis (pg. 208) | |
Computation in the physical universe (pg. 209) | |
Undecidability (pg. 210) | |
The halting problem (pg. 210) | |
Other undecidable problems (pg. 211) | |
The tiling problem (pg. 211) | |
Computable decidability versus enumerability (pg. 212) | |
Computable numbers (pg. 212) | |
Oracle computation and the Turing degrees (pg. 214) | |
Complexity theory (pg. 215) | |
Feasibility as polynomial-time computation (pg. 217) | |
Worst-case versus average-case complexity (pg. 217) | |
The black-hole phenomenon (pg. 218) | |
Decidability versus verifiability (pg. 219) | |
Nondeterministic computation (pg. 219) | |
P versus NP (pg. 220) | |
Computational resiliency (pg. 221) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 221) | |
Further reading (pg. 224) | |
Incompleteness (pg. 225) | |
The Hilbert program (pg. 226) | |
Formalism (pg. 226) | |
Life in the world imagined by Hilbert (pg. 228) | |
The alternative (pg. 228) | |
Which vision is correct? (pg. 228) | |
The first incompleteness theorem (pg. 229) | |
The first incompleteness theorem, via computability (pg. 229) | |
The Entscheidungsproblem (pg. 230) | |
Incompleteness, via diophantine equations (pg. 232) | |
Arithmetization (pg. 233) | |
First incompleteness theorem, via Gödel sentence (pg. 235) | |
Second incompleteness theorem (pg. 238) | |
Löb proof conditions (pg. 238) | |
Provability logic (pg. 240) | |
Gödel-Rosser incompleteness theorem (pg. 240) | |
Tarski's theorem on the nondefinability of truth (pg. 241) | |
Feferman theories (pg. 242) | |
Ubiquity of independence (pg. 243) | |
Tower of consistency strength (pg. 244) | |
Reverse mathematics (pg. 244) | |
Goodstein's theorem (pg. 247) | |
Löb's theorem (pg. 250) | |
Two kinds of undecidability (pg. 251) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 252) | |
Further reading (pg. 253) | |
Set Theory (pg. 255) | |
Cantor-Bendixson theorem (pg. 256) | |
Set theory as a foundation of mathematics (pg. 258) | |
General comprehension principle (pg. 261) | |
Frege's Basic Law V (pg. 262) | |
Cumulative hierarchy (pg. 265) | |
Separation axiom (pg. 267) | |
Ill-founded hierarchies (pg. 268) | |
Impredicativity (pg. 269) | |
Extensionality (pg. 270) | |
Other axioms (pg. 271) | |
Replacement axiom (pg. 271) | |
The number of infinities (pg. 272) | |
The axiom of choice and the well-order theorem (pg. 274) | |
Paradoxical consequences of AC (pg. 276) | |
Paradox without AC (pg. 276) | |
Solovay's dream world for analysis (pg. 277) | |
Large cardinals (pg. 278) | |
Strong limit cardinals (pg. 279) | |
Regular cardinals (pg. 280) | |
Aleph-fixed-point cardinals (pg. 280) | |
Inaccessible and hyperinaccessible cardinals (pg. 281) | |
Linearity of the large cardinal hierarchy (pg. 283) | |
Large cardinals consequences down low (pg. 284) | |
Continuum hypothesis (pg. 284) | |
Pervasive independence phenomenon (pg. 285) | |
Universe view (pg. 286) | |
Categoricity and rigidity of the set-theoretic universe (pg. 286) | |
Criterion for new axioms (pg. 288) | |
Intrinsic justification (pg. 289) | |
Extrinsic justification (pg. 289) | |
What is an axiom? (pg. 290) | |
Does mathematics need new axioms? (pg. 292) | |
Absolutely undecidable questions (pg. 292) | |
Strong versus weak foundations (pg. 293) | |
Shelah (pg. 294) | |
Feferman (pg. 294) | |
Multiverse view (pg. 295) | |
Dream solution of the continuum hypothesis (pg. 295) | |
Analogy with geometry (pg. 296) | |
Pluralism as set-theoretic skepticism? (pg. 296) | |
Plural platonism (pg. 297) | |
Theory/metatheory interaction in set theory (pg. 297) | |
Summary (pg. 298) | |
Questions for further thought (pg. 298) | |
Further reading (pg. 300) | |
Credits (pg. 301) | |
Bibliography (pg. 303) | |
Notation Index (pg. 315) | |
Subject Index (pg. 319) |
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