Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, 4ee

by Dalkir

ISBN: 9780262048125 | Copyright 2023

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This thoroughly revised fourth edition of the leading knowledge management (KM) textbook offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of the theory and practice of KM.

Today's knowledge-driven economy raises the stakes for organizations and individuals whose success depends on the effective management of information and knowledge. Knowledge is an asset that is not always easily tapped, especially when embedded in products and in the tacit understanding of highly mobile individual employees. Knowledge management (KM) represents a deliberate and systematic approach to cultivating and sharing an organization's knowledge base. This thoroughly revised new edition of the leading knowledge management textbook offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of the theory and practice of KM. Drawing on ideas, tools, and techniques from such disciplines as sociology, cognitive science, organizational behavior, and information science, it serves as an invaluable resource for students and researchers across information sciences, business, education, and communication. Global in scope and updated to reflect the maturing field, this fourth edition emphasizes optimizing KM and measuring its success and impact in meaningful ways.

Fourth edition highlights:

•Comprehensively updated to integrate the latest theories, practices, and technologies in KM
•Discusses not only how to implement but how to sustain successful KM strategies and systems in the long term
•Includes new coverage of KM governance and the KM ISO standard introduced in 2018
•Features detailed, real-world vignettes and a wealth of instructor resources, including slides and solutions

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Contents (pg. v)
1. Introduction to Knowledge Management (pg. 1)
Introduction (pg. 2)
What Is Knowledge Management? (pg. 3)
Multidisciplinary Nature of KM (pg. 4)
The Two Major Types of Knowledge: Tacit and Explicit (pg. 6)
Concept Analysis Technique (pg. 7)
History of KM (pg. 10)
Why Is KM Important Today? (pg. 14)
KM at Three Levels (and Beyond) (pg. 17)
Note (pg. 17)
References (pg. 17)
2. Knowledge Management Processes (pg. 21)
Introduction (pg. 22)
Major Approaches to the KM Cycle (pg. 23)
Meyer and Zack (pg. 23)
Bukowitz and Williams (pg. 25)
McElroy (pg. 26)
Wiig (pg. 29)
Carlile and Rebentisch (pg. 32)
Evans, Dalkir, and Bidian (pg. 33)
Integration of Evans, Dalkir, and Bidian KMC with Innovation Cycle (pg. 35)
An Integrated KM Cycle (pg. 37)
References (pg. 41)
3. Knowledge Management Models (pg. 43)
Introduction (pg. 43)
The Classics: Pioneering KM Models (pg. 44)
Von Krogh, Roos, and Kleine Model of Organizational Epistemology (pg. 44)
Nonaka and Takeuchi Knowledge Spiral Model (pg. 45)
Choo Sense-MakingKM Model (pg. 48)
Wiig Model for Building and Using Knowledge (pg. 50)
Boisot I-SpaceKM Model (pg. 54)
Complex Adaptive System Models of KM (pg. vi)
Knowledge-Sharing KM Models (pg. 59)
McAdams and McCreedy KM Model (pg. 59)
Wang and Noe Knowledge-SharingModel (pg. 60)
KM Strategy Models (pg. 62)
Hansen, Nohria, and Tierney Model (pg. 62)
Stankosky and Baldanza KM Pillars Model (pg. 62)
Intellectual Capital Models (pg. 62)
The Phronesis Model (pg. 64)
References (pg. 68)
4. Knowledge Capture and Codification (pg. 71)
Introduction (pg. 71)
Tacit Knowledge Identification (pg. 73)
Different Types of Tacit Knowledge (pg. 74)
Tacit Knowledge Capture (pg. 76)
Tacit Knowledge Capture at the Individual and Group Levels (pg. 77)
Tacit Knowledge Capture at the Organizational Level (pg. 94)
Summary of Tacit Knowledge Elicitation (pg. 98)
Explicit Knowledge Codification (pg. 98)
Cognitive Maps (pg. 100)
Decision Trees (pg. 101)
Knowledge Taxonomies (pg. 102)
Notes (pg. 112)
References (pg. 112)
5. Knowledge Sharing (pg. 117)
Introduction (pg. 118)
The Social Nature of Knowledge (pg. 122)
Knowledge Networks (pg. 124)
Sociograms and Social Network Analysis (pg. 126)
Expertise Locator Systems (pg. 129)
Knowledge-Sharing Communities (pg. 129)
Types of Communities (pg. 132)
Roles and Responsibilities in Communities and Networks (pg. 134)
Knowledge Sharing in the Virtual Workplace (pg. 137)
How to Select the Knowledge-Sharing Approach (pg. 140)
Other Ways of Sharing Knowledge (pg. 142)
The Role of KM Technologies (pg. 144)
Obstacles to Knowledge Sharing (pg. 147)
The Undernet (pg. 148)
Knowledge Sharing and Misinformation (pg. 149)
Organizational Learning and Social Capital (pg. 153)
Measuring the Value of Social Capital (pg. 154)
Note (pg. 156)
References (pg. 156)
6. Finding Knowledge (pg. 163)
Introduction (pg. 164)
Knowledge Application at the Individual Level (pg. 166)
Characteristics of Individual Knowledge Workers (pg. 166)
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives (pg. 170)
Knowledge Application at the Group and Organizational Levels (pg. 177)
Knowledge Retrieval versus Knowledge Finding (pg. 180)
Knowledge Reuse (pg. 184)
KM and Information Technology Systems (pg. 186)
KM and Archival and Records Management (pg. 188)
Note (pg. 190)
References (pg. 191)
7. Organizational Culture (pg. 195)
Introduction (pg. 195)
Organizational Culture Analysis (pg. 199)
Culture at the Foundation of KM (pg. 202)
The Effects of Culture on Individuals (pg. 205)
Transformation to a Knowledge-Sharing Culture (pg. 207)
What Does a Successful KM Culture Look Like? (pg. 213)
Impact of a Merger on Culture (pg. 213)
Impact of Virtual Work on Culture (pg. 215)
KM and Change: Can or Should KM Change Organizational Culture? (pg. 216)
Note (pg. 217)
References (pg. 217)
8. Knowledge Management Tools (pg. 221)
Introduction (pg. 222)
Knowledge Capture and Creation Tools (pg. 223)
Big Data, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, and Analytics (pg. 224)
Visualization Tools and Knowledge Maps (pg. 229)
Videos for Exit Interviews (pg. 234)
Content Management Tools (pg. 234)
Folksonomies and Social Tagging or Bookmarking (pg. 235)
Cloud Computing Technologies (pg. 237)
Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination Tools (pg. 238)
Social Media (pg. 240)
Knowledge Repository (pg. 242)
Knowledge Acquisition and Application Tools (pg. 245)
Personal KM (pg. 247)
Adaptive Technologies (pg. 248)
Notes (pg. 248)
References (pg. 248)
9. Knowledge Management Strategy and Planning (pg. 253)
Introduction (pg. 253)
Developing a KM Strategy (pg. 255)
Knowledge Audit (pg. 259)
Organizational Maturity Models (pg. 262)
KM Maturity Models (pg. 264)
Community of Practice Maturity Models (pg. 267)
Gap Analysis (pg. 268)
The KM Strategy Road Map (pg. 272)
The ISO 30401 KM Standard (pg. 275)
KM Governance and Leadership (pg. 276)
Balancing Innovation and Organizational Structure (pg. 279)
Note (pg. 282)
References (pg. 282)
10. Evaluating Knowledge Management (pg. 285)
Introduction (pg. 285)
Intangible Assets, Return on Investment, and Metrics (pg. 289)
Benchmarking Method (pg. 290)
Balanced Scorecard Method (pg. 293)
House of Quality Method (pg. 296)
Results-Based Assessment Framework (pg. 298)
Measuring the Success of Knowledge Networks (pg. 300)
Best Practices in KM Metrics (pg. 301)
References (pg. 304)
11. Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory (pg. 307)
Introduction (pg. 307)
How Do Organizations Learn and Remember? (pg. 308)
Management of Organizational Memory (pg. 310)
Organizational Learning (pg. 313)
Lessons Learned Process (pg. 315)
Methods for Managing Lessons Learned (pg. 317)
Lessons Learned Systems (pg. 318)
Benefits of Lessons Learned (pg. 320)
Some Challenges (pg. 321)
Some Success Stories (pg. 323)
Assessment Frameworks (pg. 325)
Notes (pg. 328)
References (pg. 328)
12. Knowledge Continuity Management (pg. 331)
Introduction (pg. 331)
KCM Process (pg. 334)
Identifying Critical Knowledge (pg. 335)
Selecting the KCM Strategy (pg. 339)
A Three-Tiered Approach to Knowledge Continuity (pg. 344)
Success Factors for KCM (pg. 347)
Challenges for KCM (pg. 349)
Concluding Thought (pg. 350)
Notes (pg. 350)
References (pg. 351)
13. The Knowledge Management Team (pg. 353)
Introduction (pg. 354)
Major Categories of KM Roles (pg. 356)
Senior Management Roles (pg. 358)
KM Team Roles and Responsibilities within Organizations (pg. 360)
KM Job Titles (pg. 361)
The KM Profession (pg. 361)
Where Does KM Belong in the Organization? (pg. 362)
The Ethics of KM (pg. 364)
KM Values and Professionalism (pg. 365)
Note (pg. 367)
References (pg. 367)
14. Future of Knowledge Management and Concluding Thought (pg. 369)
Note (pg. 375)
References (pg. 375)
Index (pg. 377)

Kimiz Dalkir

Kimiz Dalkir is Associate Professor and Director at McGill University's School of Information Studies. A practitioner in the field for more than twenty years, she advises companies on the design, development, and evaluation of knowledge-based systems.

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