The Elusive Quest for Growth
Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics
by Easterly
ISBN: 9780262550420 | Copyright 2002
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Contents (pg. vii) | |
Acknowledgments (pg. ix) | |
Preface to the Paperback Edition (pg. x) | |
Prologue: The Quest (pg. xi) | |
I Why Growth Matters (pg. 1) | |
1 To Help the Poor (pg. 5) | |
Intermezzo: In Search of a River (pg. 16) | |
II Panaceas That Failed (pg. 21) | |
2 Aid for Investment (pg. 25) | |
Intermezzo: Parmila (pg. 45) | |
3 Solow's Surprise: Investment Is Not the Key to Growth (pg. 47) | |
Intermezzo: Dry Cornstalks (pg. 70) | |
4 Educated for What? (pg. 71) | |
Intermezzo: Without a Refuge (pg. 85) | |
5 Cash for Condoms? (pg. 87) | |
Intermezzo: Tomb Paintings (pg. 99) | |
6 The Loans That Were, the Growth That Wasn't (pg. 101) | |
Intermezzo: Roumeen's Story (pg. 121) | |
7 Forgive us our Debts (pg. 123) | |
Intermezzo: Cardboard House (pg. 138) | |
III People Respond to Incentives (pg. 141) | |
8 Tales of Increasing Returns: Leaks, Matches, and Traps (pg. 145) | |
Intermezzo: War and Memory (pg. 170) | |
9 Creative Destruction: The Power of Technology (pg. 171) | |
Intermezzo: Accident in Jamaica (pg. 193) | |
10 Under an Evil Star (pg. 195) | |
Intermezzo: Favela Life (pg. 215) | |
11 Governments Can Kill Growth (pg. 217) | |
Intermezzo: Florence and Veronica (pg. 240) | |
12 Corruption and Growth (pg. 241) | |
Intermezzo: Discrimination in Palanpur (pg. 253) | |
13 Polarized Peoples (pg. 255) | |
Intermezzo: Violent for Centuries (pg. 282) | |
14 Conclusion: The View from Lahore (pg. 285) | |
Notes (pg. 293) | |
References and Further Reading (pg. 313) | |
Index (pg. 335) |
William R. Easterly
William Easterly is the author of The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (MIT Press, 2001) and The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. He is Professor of Economics at New York University (Joint with Africa House), Codirector of NYU's Development Research Institute, visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Nonresident Fellow of the Center for Global Development in Washington, DC.
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