Climate Change and Global Energy Security

Technology and Policy Options

by Brown, Brown, Sovacool, Sovacool

ISBN: 9780262516310 | Copyright 2011

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Cover (pg. Cover)
Contents (pg. vii)
Acknowledgments (pg. ix)
Chapter 1. Motivation and Organization of the Book (pg. 1)
Chapter 2. A Tale of Five Challenges (pg. 13)
Chapter 3. Technologies for Mitigating Climate Change (pg. 65)
Chapter 4. Technologies for Geo-Engineering and Adaptation (pg. 125)
Chapter 5. Barriers to Effective Climate and Energy Policies (pg. 147)
Chapter 6. Overcoming Barriers to Effective Climate and Energy Policies (pg. 179)
Chapter 7. The Case for Polycentric Implementation (pg. 215)
Chapter 8. Case Studies (pg. 241)
Chapter 9. Conclusions (pg. 317)
Appendix A: Experts Contacted and Interviewed for Case Studies (pg. 331)
Appendix B: Methodology for Case Studies (pg. 339)
Notes (pg. 343)
Bibliography (pg. 403)
Index (pg. 413)

Marilyn A. Brown

Marilyn A. Brown is Professor of Energy Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Visiting Distinguished Scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority. In 2007, she was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for her coauthorship of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change Working Group III Assessment Report on Mitigation of Climate Change.

Benjamin K. Sovacool

Benjamin K. Sovacool is Assistant Professor in the Lew Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He is the author of The Dirty Energy Dilemma: What’s Blocking Clean Power in the United States and other books.

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