C# Precisely, 2e
by Sestoft, Hansen
ISBN: 9780262516860 | Copyright 2011
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Contents (pg. v) | |
Preface (pg. xi) | |
Notational Conventions (pg. xii) | |
1. Compiling, Loading, and Executing C# Programs (pg. 2) | |
1.1 Source Files and Compilation (pg. 2) | |
1.2 Execution (pg. 2) | |
2. Names and Reserved Names (pg. 4) | |
3. C# Naming Conventions (pg. 4) | |
4. Comments and Program Layout (pg. 4) | |
4. Comments and Program Layout (pg. 4) | |
5. Data and Types (pg. 6) | |
5.1 Value Types and Simple Types (pg. 6) | |
5.2 Reference Types (pg. 8) | |
5.3 Conversion (pg. 10) | |
6. Variables, Parameters, Fields, and Scope (pg. 14) | |
6.1 Scope of Variables, Parameters, and Members (Including Fields) (pg. 14) | |
6.2 Default Values and Definite Assignment (pg. 14) | |
6.3 Local var Declarations: Compile-Time Type Inference (C# 3.0) (pg. 16) | |
6.4 The Type dynamic: Run-Time Resolution of Calls and More (C# 4.0) (pg. 16) | |
7. Strings (pg. 18) | |
7.1 String Methods (pg. 20) | |
7.2 String Formatting (pg. 22) | |
8. String Builders (pg. 26) | |
9. Arrays (pg. 28) | |
9.1 One-Dimensional Arrays (pg. 28) | |
9.2 Multidimensional Arrays (pg. 30) | |
9.3 Class Array (pg. 32) | |
10. Classes (pg. 34) | |
10.1 Class Declarations and Class Bodies (pg. 34) | |
10.2 Class Modifiers abstract, sealed, static (pg. 36) | |
10.3 Member Access Modifiers private, protected, internal, public (pg. 36) | |
10.4 Subclass, Base Class, Inheritance, and Hiding (pg. 38) | |
10.5 Field Declarations in Classes (pg. 40) | |
10.6 Constant Declarations in Classes (pg. 40) | |
10.7 Method Declarations (pg. 42) | |
10.8 Method Modifiers static new virtual override sealed abstract (pg. 44) | |
10.9 Extension Methods (C# 3.0) (pg. 46) | |
10.10 Optional or Default-Value Method Parameters (C# 4.0) (pg. 46) | |
10.11 Constructor Declarations (pg. 48) | |
10.12 Static Field Initialization and the Static Constructor (pg. 48) | |
10.13 Member Classes or Nested Classes (pg. 50) | |
10.14 Class Access Modifiers (pg. 50) | |
10.15 Property Declarations (pg. 52) | |
10.16 Indexer Declarations (pg. 52) | |
10.17 Operator Overloading (pg. 54) | |
10.18 User-Defined Conversion Operators (pg. 56) | |
11. The Machine Model: Stack, Heap, and Garbage Collection (pg. 58) | |
11.1 Class and Object versus Struct Type and Struct Value (pg. 58) | |
12. Expressions (pg. 60) | |
12.1 Table of Expression Forms and Predefined Operators (pg. 60) | |
12.2 Arithmetic Operators (pg. 62) | |
12.3 The checked and unchecked Operators (pg. 62) | |
12.4 Logical Operators (pg. 62) | |
12.5 Bitwise Operators and Shift Operators (pg. 64) | |
12.6 Comparison Operators (pg. 64) | |
12.7 Assignment Expression (pg. 66) | |
12.8 Conditional Expression (pg. 66) | |
12.9 Object Creation Expression (pg. 68) | |
12.10 Object Initializer (C# 3.0) (pg. 68) | |
12.11 Collection Initializers (C# 3.0) (pg. 68) | |
12.12 Struct Value Creation Expression (pg. 70) | |
12.13 Instance Test Expression (pg. 70) | |
12.14 Instance Test and Cast Expression (pg. 70) | |
12.15 Field Access Expression (pg. 72) | |
12.16 The Current Object Reference this (pg. 72) | |
12.17 Method Call Expression (pg. 74) | |
12.18 Property Access Expression (pg. 84) | |
12.19 Indexer Access Expression (pg. 86) | |
12.20 Type Cast Expression (pg. 88) | |
12.21 The typeof Operator (pg. 88) | |
12.22 Anonymous Method Expression (pg. 90) | |
12.23 Lambda Expressions (C# 3.0) (pg. 92) | |
12.24 Anonymous Object Expressions (C# 3.0) (pg. 92) | |
12.25 Implicitly Typed Array Creation Expressions (C# 3.0) (pg. 92) | |
13. Statements (pg. 94) | |
13.1 Expression Statement (pg. 94) | |
13.2 Block Statement (pg. 94) | |
13.3 The Empty Statement (pg. 94) | |
13.4 Declaration Statement (pg. 94) | |
13.5 Choice Statements (pg. 96) | |
13.6 Loop Statements (pg. 98) | |
13.7 Returns, Labeled Statements, Exits, and Jumps (pg. 102) | |
13.8 Throwing and Catching Exceptions (pg. 104) | |
13.9 The checked and unchecked Statements (pg. 108) | |
13.10 The using Statement (pg. 108) | |
13.11 The lock Statement (pg. 108) | |
13.12 The yield Statement and Iterators (pg. 110) | |
14. Struct Types (pg. 112) | |
14.1 Boxing of Struct Values (pg. 114) | |
14.2 The this Reference in a Struct (pg. 114) | |
14.3 Struct Expressions: Value or Variable (pg. 114) | |
15. Interfaces (pg. 116) | |
15.1 Interface Declarations (pg. 116) | |
15.2 Classes and Struct Types Implementing Interfaces (pg. 118) | |
15.3 Explicit Interface Member Implementations (pg. 118) | |
16. Enum Types (pg. 120) | |
17. Delegate Types (pg. 122) | |
18. Type dynamic (C# 4.0) (pg. 124) | |
19. Nullable Types over Value Types (pg. 126) | |
20. Exceptions (pg. 128) | |
21. Threads, Concurrent Execution, and Synchronization (pg. 130) | |
21.1 Threads and Concurrent Execution (pg. 130) | |
21.2 Locks and the lock Statement (pg. 132) | |
21.3 Operations on Threads (pg. 134) | |
21.4 Operations on Locked Objects (pg. 134) | |
22. Task Parallel Library (C# 4.0) (pg. 136) | |
22.1 Class Parallel (pg. 136) | |
22.2 The Task Classes (pg. 138) | |
23. Asynchronous Methods: async and await (C# 5.0) (pg. 142) | |
24. Mathematical Functions (pg. 144) | |
25. Input and Output (pg. 146) | |
25.1 Creating Streams (pg. 146) | |
25.2 Overview of Input and Output Methods (pg. 148) | |
25.3 Using Declarations, Exceptions, Thread Safety (pg. 148) | |
25.4 Sequential Character Input: TextReaders (pg. 150) | |
25.5 Sequential Character Output: TextWriters (pg. 152) | |
25.6 Binary Input and Output: BinaryReader and BinaryWriter (pg. 154) | |
25.7 Byte Input and Output: Stream (pg. 156) | |
25.8 Directories (pg. 160) | |
25.9 Files (pg. 160) | |
25.10 Network Communication (pg. 162) | |
26. Generic Types and Methods (pg. 164) | |
26.1 Generics: Safety, Generality, and Efficiency (pg. 164) | |
26.2 Generic Types, Type Parameters, and Constructed Types (pg. 164) | |
26.3 Generic Classes (pg. 166) | |
26.4 Constraints on Type Parameters (pg. 168) | |
26.5 Generic Interfaces (pg. 170) | |
26.7 Generic Methods (pg. 172) | |
26.8 Generic Delegate Types (pg. 174) | |
26.9 Abbreviations for Constructed Types (pg. 174) | |
26.10 Generic Struct Types (pg. 176) | |
26.11 The Implementation of Generic Types and Methods (pg. 176) | |
26.12 Variance of Type Parameters (C# 4.0) (pg. 178) | |
27. Generic Collections: Sets, Lists, and Dictionaries (pg. 180) | |
27.1 The ICollection<T> Interface (pg. 180) | |
27.2 Enumerators and Enumerables (pg. 182) | |
27.3 Comparables, Equatables, Comparers, and EqualityComparers (pg. 184) | |
27.4 The IList<T> Interface (pg. 186) | |
27.5 The IDictionary<K,V> Interface (pg. 186) | |
27.6 The List<T> Class (pg. 188) | |
27.7 The Dictionary<K,V> and SortedDictionary<K,V> Classes (pg. 190) | |
27.8 The KeyValuePair<K,V> Struct Type (pg. 190) | |
27.9 The ISet<T> Interface and the HashSet<T> and SortedSet<T> Classes (pg. 190) | |
27.10 The Queue<T> Class (pg. 192) | |
27.11 The Stack<T> Class (pg. 192) | |
28. Linq, Language Integrated Query (C# 3.0) (pg. 194) | |
28.1 Linq Expressions (C# 3.0) (pg. 194) | |
28.2 The Query Expression Pattern (pg. 198) | |
28.3 Differences between Linq and SQL (pg. 200) | |
28.4 Auxiliary Interfaces That Support Linq (C# 3.0) (pg. 200) | |
28.5 Extension Methods on IEnumerable<T> (C# 3.0) (pg. 202) | |
28.6 Numeric Extension Methods on IEnumerable<T> (C# 3.0) (pg. 208) | |
28.7 Extension Methods on IOrderedEnumerable<T> (C# 3.0) (pg. 208) | |
28.8 Extension Methods on Non-generic Enumerable (C# 3.0) (pg. 209) | |
28.9 Static Methods to Generate Enumerables (C# 3.0) (pg. 209) | |
29. Namespaces (pg. 210) | |
29.1 The using Directive (pg. 210) | |
30. Partial Type Declarations (pg. 212) | |
31. Assertions and the Debug.Assert Method (pg. 214) | |
32. Attributes (pg. 216) | |
32.1 Some Predefined Attributes (pg. 216) | |
32.2 Declaring and Using Custom Attributes (pg. 216) | |
33. Main Differences between C# and Java (pg. 218) | |
34. Resources (pg. 220) | |
Index (pg. 221) |
Peter Sestoft
Peter Sestoft is Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Software and Systems Section at the IT University of Copenhagen.
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