Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies, 10e
ISBN: 9780262046275 | Copyright 2021
Instructor Requests
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Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies (pg. i) | |
Title Page (pg. i) | |
Tenth Edition Title Page (pg. iii) | |
Contents (pg. vii) | |
Preface (pg. ix) | |
Changes from the Ninth Edition (pg. ix) | |
Instructor Supplements (pg. x) | |
Acknowledgments (pg. xi) | |
1 Introduction (pg. 1) | |
1 Introduction (pg. 1) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 1) | |
Sectors of the U.S. Bond Market (pg. 2) | |
Overview of Bond Features (pg. 4) | |
Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds (pg. 8) | |
Climate Change and Bond Investing (pg. 13) | |
Overview of the Book (pg. 14) | |
Questions (pg. 16) | |
2 Pricing of Bonds (pg. 19) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 19) | |
Review of time value of Money (pg. 19) | |
Pricing a Bond (pg. 26) | |
Complications (pg. 32) | |
Pricing Floating-Rate and Inverse-Floating-Rate Securities (pg. 34) | |
Price Quotes and Accrued Interest (pg. 36) | |
Key Points (pg. 40) | |
Questions (pg. 41) | |
3 Measuring Yield (pg. 45) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 45) | |
Computing the Yield or Internal Rate of Return on any Investment (pg. 45) | |
Conventional Yield Measures (pg. 49) | |
Potential Sources of a Bond’s Dollar Return (pg. 58) | |
Total Return (pg. 61) | |
Applications of the Total Return (Horizon Analysis) (pg. 66) | |
Calculating Yield Changes (pg. 66) | |
Key Points (pg. 67) | |
Questions (pg. 68) | |
4 Bond Price Volatility (pg. 71) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 71) | |
Review of the Price–Yield Relationship for Option-Free Bonds (pg. 72) | |
Price-Volatility Characteristics of Option-Free Bonds (pg. 73) | |
Measures of Bond Price Volatility (pg. 75) | |
Convexity (pg. 86) | |
Additional Concerns when Using Duration (pg. 96) | |
Do not think of Duration as a Measure of Time (pg. 96) | |
Approximating a Bond’s Duration and Convexity Measure (pg. 97) | |
Measuring a Bond Portfolio’s Responsiveness to Nonparallel Changes in Interest Rates (pg. 100) | |
Key Points (pg. 103) | |
Questions (pg. 105) | |
5 The Theory and History of Interest Rates (pg. 109) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 109) | |
Interest-Rate Theories (pg. 110) | |
Real and Nominal Interest Rates: Fisher’s Law (pg. 115) | |
Natural Rate of Interest (pg. 116) | |
Risk-Free Interest Rate and the Existence of a Safe Asset (pg. 117) | |
Negative Interest Rates (pg. 118) | |
Historical Interest Rates in the United States (pg. 120) | |
Key Points (pg. 122) | |
Questions (pg. 123) | |
14011_006 (pg. 125) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 125) | |
Base Interest Rate (pg. 126) | |
Benchmark Spread (pg. 126) | |
Term Structure of Interest Rates (pg. 131) | |
Swap Rate Yield Curve (pg. 152) | |
Reference Interest Rates for Financial Products (pg. 154) | |
Key Points (pg. 156) | |
Questions (pg. 157) | |
7 Treasury and Federal Agency Securities (pg. 161) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 161) | |
Treasury Securities (pg. 161) | |
Stripped Treasury Securities (pg. 167) | |
Federal Agency Securities (pg. 168) | |
Key Points (pg. 171) | |
Questions (pg. 172) | |
8 Corporat Debt Investments (pg. 175) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 175) | |
Seniority of Debt in a Corporation’s Capital Structure (pg. 176) | |
Bankruptcy and Creditor Rights (pg. 177) | |
Corporate Debt Ratings (pg. 179) | |
Corporate Bonds (pg. 182) | |
Medium-Term Notes (pg. 189) | |
Commercial Paper (pg. 192) | |
Bank Loans (pg. 194) | |
Default Risk for Corporate Debt Instruments (pg. 199) | |
Corporate Downgrade Risk (pg. 202) | |
Corporate Credit Spread Risk (pg. 202) | |
Key Points (pg. 204) | |
Questions (pg. 205) | |
9 Municipal Securities (pg. 209) | |
14011_009 (pg. 209) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 209) | |
Types and Features of Municipal Securities (pg. 210) | |
Municipal Money Market Products (pg. 215) | |
Municipal Variable-Rate Securities (pg. 216) | |
Credit Risk (pg. 218) | |
Risks Associated with Investing in Municipal Securities (pg. 221) | |
Yields on Municipal Bonds (pg. 221) | |
Municipal Bond Market (pg. 223) | |
The Taxable Municipal Bond Market (pg. 225) | |
Key Points (pg. 225) | |
Questions (pg. 227) | |
10 International Bonds (pg. 229) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 229) | |
Developed, Emerging, and Frontier Capital Markets (pg. 230) | |
Classification of Global Bond Markets (pg. 231) | |
Non-U.S. Bond Issuers and Bond Structures (pg. 232) | |
Foreign Exchange Risk and Bond Returns (pg. 234) | |
Bonds Issued by Non-U.S. Entities (pg. 235) | |
Global Bond Indexes (pg. 254) | |
Appendix: Foreign Exchange Rates (pg. 255) | |
Key Points (pg. 256) | |
Questions (pg. 257) | |
11 Residential Mortgage Loans (pg. 259) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 259) | |
Origination of Residential Mortgage Loans (pg. 260) | |
Types of Residential Mortgage Loans (pg. 261) | |
Conforming Loans (pg. 269) | |
Risks Associated with Investing in Mortgage Loans (pg. 270) | |
Key Points (pg. 271) | |
Questions (pg. 271) | |
14011_012 (pg. 273) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 273) | |
Sectors of the Residential Mortgage-Backed Security Market (pg. 274) | |
General Description of an Agency Mortgage Pass-Through Security (pg. 276) | |
Issuers of Agency Pass-Through Securities (pg. 277) | |
Prepayment Conventions and Cash Flow (pg. 278) | |
Factors Affecting Prepayments and Prepayment Modeling (pg. 286) | |
Cash Flow Yield (pg. 292) | |
Prepayment Risk and Asset/Liability Management (pg. 294) | |
Secondary Market Trading (pg. 295) | |
TBA Coupons (pg. 298) | |
Specified Trades (pg. 299) | |
Key Points (pg. 300) | |
Questions (pg. 302) | |
13 Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations and Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities (pg. 307) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 307) | |
Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (pg. 308) | |
Agency Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities (pg. 331) | |
Key Points (pg. 343) | |
Questions (pg. 344) | |
14 Nonagency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (pg. 349) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 349) | |
Types of RMBS (pg. 350) | |
Credit Enhancement (pg. 350) | |
Cash Flow for Nonagency Rmbs (pg. 356) | |
Key Points (pg. 361) | |
Questions (pg. 363) | |
15 Commercial Mortgage Loans and Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (pg. 365) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 365) | |
Commercial Mortgage Loans (pg. 366) | |
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (pg. 368) | |
Types of Deals (pg. 373) | |
Key Points (pg. 375) | |
Questions (pg. 376) | |
16 Asset-Backed Securities (pg. 379) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 379) | |
Creation of an Asset-Backed Security (pg. 380) | |
Collateral type and Securitization Structure (pg. 385) | |
Credit Risks Associated with Investing in Asset-Backed Securities (pg. 387) | |
Review of Several major types of Asset-Backed Securities (pg. 390) | |
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (pg. 400) | |
Key Points (pg. 401) | |
Questions (pg. 401) | |
17 Collective Investment Vehicles (pg. 403) | |
14011_017 (pg. 403) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 403) | |
Investing in COLLECTIVE Investment Vehicles (pg. 404) | |
Investment Company Shares (pg. 405) | |
Exchange-Traded Funds (pg. 409) | |
Hedge Funds (pg. 415) | |
Real Estate Investment Mortgage Trusts (pg. 417) | |
Key Points (pg. 418) | |
Questions (pg. 420) | |
14011_018 (pg. 423) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 423) | |
Liquidity and Resilency of a Market (pg. 425) | |
The Secondary Corporate Bond Market and its Regulation (pg. 428) | |
Trading (Transaction) Costs (pg. 430) | |
Pricing Vendors (pg. 432) | |
Processing a Trade (pg. 433) | |
Market Infrastructure (pg. 434) | |
Key Points (pg. 439) | |
Questions (pg. 442) | |
14011_019 (pg. 445) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 445) | |
Drawbacks of Traditional Yield Spread Analysis (pg. 446) | |
Static Spread: An Alternative to Yield Spread (pg. 446) | |
Callable Bonds and their Investment Characteristics (pg. 450) | |
Components of a Bond with an Embedded Option (pg. 454) | |
Valuation Model (pg. 455) | |
Option-Adjusted Spread (pg. 469) | |
Effective Duration and Convexity (pg. 470) | |
Key Points (pg. 472) | |
Questions (pg. 472) | |
14011_020 (pg. 477) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 477) | |
Static Cash Flow Yield Methodology (pg. 478) | |
Monte Carlo Simulation Methodology (pg. 487) | |
Illustrations (pg. 494) | |
Total Return Analysis (pg. 499) | |
Key Points (pg. 502) | |
Appendix: Market-Based Estimates of Duration for RMBS (pg. 503) | |
Questions (pg. 506) | |
14011_021 (pg. 511) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 511) | |
Convertible Bond Provisions (pg. 511) | |
Categorization of Convertible Securities (pg. 513) | |
Basic Analytics and Concepts for Convertible Bond Analysis (pg. 515) | |
Option Measures (pg. 519) | |
Profile of a Convertible Bond (pg. 521) | |
Pros and Cons of Investing in a Convertible Bond (pg. 522) | |
Convertible Bond Arbitrage (pg. 524) | |
Options Approach to Valuation (pg. 526) | |
Key Points (pg. 527) | |
Questions (pg. 528) | |
14011_022 (pg. 531) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 531) | |
Overview of Corporate Bond Credit Analysis (pg. 532) | |
Analysis of Business Risk (pg. 534) | |
Corporate Governance Risk (pg. 536) | |
Financial Risk (pg. 537) | |
The Investment Decision (pg. 541) | |
Corporate Bond Credit Analysis and Equity Analysis (pg. 541) | |
Case Study: Credit Analysis of Sirius Xm Holdings Inc. (pg. 542) | |
Case Study: Sino-Forest Corporation (pg. 552) | |
Key Points (pg. 558) | |
Questions (pg. 559) | |
14011_023 (pg. 561) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 561) | |
Difficulties in Credit Risk Modeling (pg. 562) | |
Overview of Credit Risk Modeling (pg. 563) | |
Credit Ratings Versus Credit Risk Models (pg. 564) | |
Structural Models (pg. 564) | |
Estimating Portfolio Credit Risk: Default Correlation and Copulas (pg. 570) | |
Reduced-Form Models (pg. 571) | |
Empirical Evidence: Credit Ratings, Structural Models, and Reduced-Form Models (pg. 574) | |
An Application of Credit Risk Modeling (pg. 575) | |
Incomplete-Information Models (pg. 579) | |
Key Points (pg. 580) | |
Questions (pg. 580) | |
14011_024 (pg. 583) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 583) | |
The Asset Allocation Decision (pg. 584) | |
Portfolio Management Team (pg. 585) | |
Spectrum of Bond Portfolio Strategies (pg. 586) | |
Bond Benchmarks (pg. 589) | |
The Primary Risk Factors (pg. 594) | |
Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Portfolio Construction and Management (pg. 595) | |
Discretionary Versus Quantitative Active Bond Portfolio Strategies (pg. 596) | |
Discretionary Active Bond Portfolio Strategies (pg. 598) | |
Smart Beta Bond Strategies (pg. 612) | |
The Use of Leverage (pg. 614) | |
Backtesting Bond Portfolio Strategies (pg. 620) | |
Key Points (pg. 622) | |
Questions (pg. 623) | |
25 Bond Portfolio Construction (pg. 629) | |
14011_025 (pg. 629) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 629) | |
Brief Review Of Portfolio Theory and Risk Decomposition (pg. 629) | |
Application of Portfolio Theory to Bond Portfolio Construction (pg. 631) | |
Tracking Error (pg. 633) | |
Cell-Based Approach to Bond Portfolio Construction (pg. 637) | |
Portfolio Construction with Multi-Factor Models (pg. 639) | |
Key Points (pg. 654) | |
Questions (pg. 655) | |
14011_026 (pg. 661) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 661) | |
Risk–Return for Corporate Bonds Versus Equities (pg. 662) | |
Measuring Credit Spread Sensitivity (pg. 663) | |
Empirical Duration for Corporate Bonds (pg. 665) | |
Corporate Bond Benchmarks (pg. 672) | |
Credit Relative Value Strategies (pg. 673) | |
Constraint-Tolerant Investing (pg. 677) | |
Using Credit Risk Modeling to Construct Corporate Bond Portfolios (pg. 680) | |
Corporate Bond Style Factor Investing (pg. 682) | |
Key Points (pg. 688) | |
Questions (pg. 690) | |
27 Liability-Driven Investing for Defined Benefit Pension Plans (pg. 693) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 693) | |
Understanding the Liabilities of a DB Pension Plan (pg. 694) | |
LDI Strategies (pg. 697) | |
DE-Risking Solutions to Mitigate Risk (pg. 700) | |
Strategies for Hedging Interest-Rate Risk (pg. 701) | |
Key Points (pg. 709) | |
Questions (pg. 711) | |
28 Bond Performance Measurement and Evaluation (pg. 713) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 713) | |
Requirements for a Bond Performance and Attribution Analysis Process (pg. 713) | |
Performance Measurement (pg. 714) | |
Performance Attribution Analysis (pg. 720) | |
Key Points (pg. 726) | |
Questions (pg. 727) | |
29 Interest-Rate Futures Contracts (pg. 731) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 731) | |
Mechanics of Futures Trading (pg. 732) | |
Futures Versus Forward Contracts (pg. 734) | |
Risk and Return Characteristics of Futures Contracts (pg. 735) | |
Interest-Rate Futures Contracts (pg. 735) | |
Pricing and Arbitrage in the Interest-Rate Futures Market (pg. 744) | |
Bond Portfolio Management Applications (pg. 752) | |
Key Points (pg. 770) | |
Questions (pg. 771) | |
30 Interest-Rate Options (pg. 775) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 775) | |
Options Defined (pg. 776) | |
Differences Between an Option and a Futures Contract (pg. 776) | |
Types of Interest-Rate Options (pg. 776) | |
Intrinsic Value and Time Value of an Option (pg. 779) | |
Profit and Loss Profiles for Simple Naked Option Strategies (pg. 781) | |
Put–Call Parity Relationship and Equivalent Positions (pg. 793) | |
Option Price (pg. 795) | |
Models for Pricing Options (pg. 796) | |
Sensitivity of Option Price to Change in Factors (pg. 805) | |
Hedge Strategies (pg. 809) | |
Key Points (pg. 815) | |
Questions (pg. 816) | |
31 Interest-Rate Swaps, Forward-Rate Agreements, Caps, and Floors (pg. 819) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 819) | |
Interest-Rate Swaps (pg. 819) | |
Forward Rate Agreements (pg. 842) | |
Interest-Rate Caps and Floors (pg. 844) | |
Key Points (pg. 851) | |
Questions (pg. 852) | |
32 Credit Default Swaps (pg. 857) | |
Learning Objectives (pg. 857) | |
Credit Events (pg. 858) | |
Credit Events for an Asset-Backed Security (pg. 860) | |
Single-Name CDS (pg. 861) | |
Index CDS (pg. 870) | |
Economic Interpretation of a CDS and an Index CDS (pg. 874) | |
Using CDS for Controlling Credit Risk (pg. 876) | |
Key Points (pg. 877) | |
Questions (pg. 878) | |
Appendix_ The Investment Management Agreement (pg. 881) | |
Sample Investment Management Agreement (pg. 882) |
Instructors Only | |
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